
GH ch03 / progress part 1 // 09/41 pages

 Listening to: Claude Debussy - Preludes, Book 1, L 117 - La Danse De Puck ♫♪
(Because Debussy is lovely. I do listen to some classical music, believe it or not. This is one of my favorites.)

 Lemme begin this post by saying GO TO THE WEBCOMIC. It updated yesterday, so yeah…! It's better to get into a comic of mine early on than late. (I'm currently writing chapter 67, to give a clue.)
From next weekend forward, it's going to update 4 times a week (Tuesday - Friday) at 4 PM EST. Why that much? Because it would probably take a big chunk of 2014 to get through chapter 1 if I did any less. That, and I want to get everyone up to date to me.

 Meanwhile, I am working on chapter 3, which is a John chapter. He's the most logical of the three, but he has his own quirks that makes him not-as-straightlaced as he tries so hard to be. That gives him his own unique brand of cuteness, I believe. (`ω´)

 You could say "Samurai Monique, it looks like everything's about cuteness to you."
To me, it's important to present some sort of appeal to the reader alongside the negatives. Balance.
(That and a character being cute is VERY IMPORTANT. Do not underestimate cuteness! (≧∇≦)b)
And with the plot, present opportunities for them to either shine or falter. Sometimes at those points of stories, people dislike a character for whatever they did. What I want to do with all of my comics (Glass Hearts included) is make those characters be redeemable with their feelings and actions as well. I'm not saying John is going to be someone like an antagonist / evil / etc, but yeah.

That is also something that reoccurs throughout Glass Hearts. So if you get frustrated at some point, I won't be disappointed. If anything, I'll be interested in why.

Until…however long it takes for me to get through the 2nd batch of pages, c'ya!

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